Saturday, July 4, 2009


> Circula en Managua serios comentarios y concretas sospechas de que la
> muerte trágica de ALEXIS ARGUELLO, NO FUE un simple suicidio, tal como lo
> quiere hacer creer las agencias y radio emisoras oficialista del
> Orteguismo.
> Aparentemente, Alexis
> Arguello discutió anoche con unos visitantes
> conocidos por él y se escucharon mucho ruido y señales de violencia en el
> sitio de los hechos lamentables, donde ocurrió el disparo letal en el
> pecho del Ex Tricampeón Mundial de los Pesos Plumas del Boxeo Profesional.
> Hace algunos minutos tuve contacto con uno de los Comicionados de La
> Policia de Nicaragua, quién me pidió encarecidamente guardar su identidad
> por el riesgo que implica para su vida filtrar este tipo de información
> muy delicada a los medios de comunicación que no son afecto al gobierno de
> facto de Daniel Ortega.
> Nos comentó que un cercano y alto ex oficial de la Dirección Nacional de
> la Seguridad del Estado (DGSE-Policía Secreta)del antiguo Ministerio del
> Interior, liderado por el Comandante de la Revolución Tomás Borge
> Martínez, actual embajador de Ortega en Perú; persona de suma confianza,
> de larga trayectoria y militancia en el F.S.L.N., y fidelidad comprobada
> al mandatario nicaraguense José Daniel Ortega Saavedra y su esposa Rosario
> Murillo, fue el causante de la muerte de ALEXIS ARGUELLO, Alcalde de
> Managua, candidato del partido en el poder, electo por medio del fraude
> electoral de los recientes Comicios Municpales de noviembre del 2008, el
> cual fue bendecido y certificado por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones,
> presidido por Roberto Rivas Reyes, protegido del Cardenal Miguel Obando y
> Bravo, ejecutor del Pacto Polìtico de las Paralelas Históricas del Frente
> Sandinista de Liberación
> Nacional (F.S.L.N.), lideradas por el Comandante
> Daniel Ortega Saavedra, y el Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (P.L.C.),
> liderado por el Dr. Arnoldo José Alemán Lacayo.
> Alexis Arguello empezó a distanciarse de la doctrina cerrada y totalitaria
> de Ortega desde hace unos dos meses e inicinó un sin números de criticas
> públicas y a lo interno de la Alcaldia de Managua, por la forma polìtica
> en que manipuló el gobierno de Ortega, la donación de 150 unidades de
> autobuses de origen eslavo, coseguida en su reciente periplo por Las
> Repúblicas Federadas de Rusia, los cuales fueron literalmente robados a la
> comuna de Managua y comercializados por los dirigentes del partido, entre
> las cooperativas de transportes adictas al régimen.
> Todos los hechos a puntan e incriminan al ex-director de la tenebrosa
> DGSE, Coronel Lenín Cerna, conocida por ser la encargada del Sistema
> Penitenciario del Régime de los Nueve Comandante de la Dirección Nacional
> Conjunta del FSLN, y de se la unidad ejecutura de las torturas y los
> asesinatos de los enemigos polìticos del régimen totalitario en la década
> de los 80´s; todo un personaje siniestro con quien desde hace algunos dias
> Alexis Arguello traía ágrias disputas y serias criticas y reclamos, sobre
> todo desde la llegada de la flotilla de 150 unidades de autobuses de
> Rusia, en donde el Alcade Managua, hiciera una intersante y exitosa
> gestión de donación, la cual sin embargo, fue opacado por el Presidente de
> la RepAblica, quien reclamó el triunfo para sí mismo y se llevo todos los
> creditos, las palmas y los aplausos de la exitosa gestión del Tri Campeón
> Mundial del Boxeo.
> Desde ese momento, Alexis Arguello fue considerando su salida y su
> renuncia pública de la Municipalidad de Managua pues era obvio que los
> errores de caracter administrativos y los negocios privados y turbios del
> Partido con los bienes de la Comuna, se lo iban a facturar a él, pero
> antes de planificar su salida, haría una importante conferencia de prensa
> ante los medios de comunicación masivos de Nicaragua, en donde divulgaría
> todo lo relacionado con la donación Rusa, los "venados" de los dirigentes
> del partido y sus serias diferencias con el gobierno de Daniel Ortega,
> quien nunca lo dejó hacer una gestion libre para la cual fue supuestamente
> electo por el pueblo nicaraguense, pero siempre fue controlado por Fidel
> Moreno -el hombre de Ortega dentro de la Municipalidad- , siempre habia
> alguien que lo vigilaba y le tenían montado un fijo en su casa de
> habitación en el Residencial las Colinas, controlando las 24 hora del día,
> los
> movimientos de Arguello.
> Según el Comisionado de La Policia de Nicaragua, hay testigos que después
> de la detonación del disparo en la residencia de Alexis Arguello, un carro
> de doble tracción 4x4 de color azul, se alejó velozmente de la escena del
> crimen, esto como a las 2:49 a.m. del 1ro. de julio 2009 con dos elementos
> abordo.
> ARGUELLO, quien
> nunca tuvo una autoridad real edilicia, ni siquiera para
> firmar su propio cheque, ni presidir seciones de alta envergadura porque
> todo pasaba primero por la Secretaria del F.S.L.N., considerada como la
> actual Casa Presidencial del orteguismo, tenía indignado al Flaco
> Explosivo, quien externaba sus constantes choques con el Coronel Lenin
> Cerna, quien lo controlaba de día y de noche.
> Según las declaraciones del Comisionado de La Policía de Nicaragua, dijo
> que "Alexis en realidad siempre contó con el abierto apoyo de dña. Rosario
> Murillo pero no así con la del comandante Daniel Ortega, a quien le
> irritaba las constantes criticas interna de Alexis Arguello"
> Existen fuertes indicios de quién fue el Asesino Material, el sicario que
> ejecutó las órdenes del Asesino Intelectual. Pero, ¿quién es este
> personaje? ¡Menuda tarea le espera a los detectives de La Polìcia Nacional
> de Nicaragua y a su Medicatura Forense!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


"A mi familia, mis amigos y a mi pueblo:

Cuando lean esta carta, la noticia la conocerá todo el mundo. La decisión fue difícil, pero ya estaba cansado de vivir con la tortura de verme prisionero en mi misma cárcel de la envidia, el egoísmo, la falsedad y el engaño. Mi vida siempre fue difícil, pero gracias a Dios encontré a gente buena como el Dr. Eduardo Román, Renzo Bagnariol, Edgar Tijerino, Francisco López, Evelio Areas Mendoza, Enrique Armas, el Dr. Pedro Sequeira y muchos otros amigos. La fama siempre me trajo complicaciones como las mujeres, los vicios y el desorden; por eso me case 4 veces y tuve 8 hijos, con 3 nietos, a quienes adoro y les pido perdón.

No culpo a nadie por mi decisión pero quiero dar testimonio de algunas cosas que me obligaron a partir de este mundo. Yo no tenía necesidad de meterme a la política; lo hice porque me lo pidió Francisco López, un hombre honesto y bueno que me ayudo a salir del mundo de las drogas en varias ocasiones. Por eso acepte ser vice alcalde con Nicho. Cuando ganó la presidencia el compañero Daniel yo le pedí que me diera el ministerio de deportes, porque quería ayudar a la juventud, pero la compañera Rosario me dijo que el comandante Daniel tenía otra idea para mí: la alcaldía de Managua. No quería aceptar pero me convenció Chico López, a quien yo le debía mi salvación cristiana.

En la campaña trabajamos con la compañera Rosario, Cuaresma, Nicho, Payo Ortega, José Luis Villavicencio, Lenin Cerna, Fidel Moreno y otros más; algunas veces incluso el comandante Daniel participo en las reuniones de trabajo.

La elección no fue como esperábamos y tuvimos que hacer cosas que a mí no me gustaron. Yo hubiera querido ganar limpiamente porque yo estaba aseguro que la gente me conocía y votarían por mí, pero al final todo se vino abajo porque la gente del partido no salió a votar y eso empaño mi triunfo. Después de asumir la alcaldía, las intrigas, pleitos y serruchaderas de piso de Daysi Torres y Fidel Moreno, quienes diariamente llevaban cuechos a Daniel y Rosario me hastiaron. No me dejaban ni nombrar a un CPF y eso me molestó mucho. El jueves pasado, le pedí a Fidel Moreno que me ayudara a conseguir una reunión con el presidente y la compañera Rosario y me dijo que iba a hacer la gestión. El lunes le pregunte y me dijo que los compañeros estaban ocupados con el problema de Honduras. Yo llame a varios teléfonos de la compañera Rosario y me contesto finalmente el lunes en la mañana y me pegó una regañada como que fuera su hijo menor y me dijo que ya estaba cansada de mis locuras.

Esa noche, el lunes caí nuevamente en el refugio de las drogas; ya tenía 4 meses de estar limpio como bien sabe Chico López porque él me mandaba a hacer los exámenes de doping semanalmente. Bebí y me drogue todo el lunes y el martes en la mañana llame a la secretaria y me dijeron que no podían atenderme ni la llamada. Depuse me llamo Payo Ortega para decirme que me iban a mandar a Cuba para que me atendieran unos siquiatras porque estaban cansados de mis jodederas y que estaba loco y que ellos estaban ocupados para estar oyendo las quejas de un drogadicto. Eso me dolió muchísimo.

No pude dormir y tome la decisión de escribir esta carta de despedida. No quiero condecoraciones, ni discursos, ni banderas roja y negra ni nada que venga de Daniel y Rosario, ni de su hijo Payo ni de Cuaresma, ni de los otros que me hicieron daño. Únicamente reconozco como hermano a Chico López, con quien varias veces compartí mis problemas en la alcaldía y con compañeros del frente. El sabe que lo que digo, es verdad.

Ojala que reflexiones y que no le suceda a Daniel y Rosario lo que le paso al presidente de Honduras, pues al paso que van, eso les va a suceder, pues solo viven pensando en reelecciones y en que los CPC manden y controlen a todo el mundo.

Le pido perdón a mi esposa, a mis hijos y a todos mis amigos. Me cansé de la política, la hipocresía y el engaño. No quiero seguir siendo usado, otra vez. Le pido perdón a todos los que me quieren también. Cuiden la democracia y no se dejen engañar por los que me engañaron a mi."

Alexis Arguello.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Credit Insider

someone's credit score..." src="" width=300 height=200>Image via Wikipedia

Hello everyone, I am starting this blog with the sole intention to first educate all consumers, but more importantly to help them understand the enigmatic credit scoring and reporting system. Allow me to introduce myself. I have been involved in consumer credit since 1985 as a credit restoration specialist.
In my 24 years experience I have seen this industry change in all aspects of the financial world. We used to have back in the 80's only one credit bureau, TRW. We now have three, Experian, Equifax and Transunion. The FICO score has taken an important role in the lending decision process for all banks
However, before we move on, I think is very important that you all understand the credit terminology used by all individuals associated within this industry, like bankers, real estate agents, mortgage brokers among others. we must be very clear what these people are talking about when we go and apply for a loan, because what we don't know might hurt us.

An account represents a contractual relationship between a company (the account owner) and consumer, where the consumer incurs a debt for the purchase of a product or service and agrees to repay that debt over time.
Account Designator
Describes the contractual ownership of an account. It includes:
Authorized user of shared account, for which another party has contractual responsibility
Joint contractual liability
Individual account for sole use of applicant
Account for which subject is liable but co-maker becomes liable if maker defaults
Participant in shared account that cannot be designated as joint account or authorized account
Account for which subject is co-signer and becomes liable if maker defaults
Association with account terminated
Undesignated (not used on accounts opened after June of 1977)
Delete borrower
Account Number
A reference number assigned to accounts, by the creditor or collection agency to uniquely identify each account.
Account Review
Inquiries made into a consumer's credit history by creditors, with whom the consumer has a current relationship. These inquiries are not included in the business version of a consumer's credit report.
Account Type
Describes the type of credit account, such as:
Revolving account – credit card, charge account, combined credit plan, etc.
Installment account – automobile, student loan, note loan, etc.
Mortgage account – conventional or V.A. real estate mortgage, home equity loan, etc.
(Employer) Address
The address of the company that you work or worked for.
Adverse Action
An unfavorable action, such as the denial of credit, insurance or employment, taken by a creditor or other entity, affecting a consumer. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, creditors must disclose the reasons for any adverse action.
Adverse Information
Information on a consumer’s credit report that a creditor or other entity considers unfavorable, such as a past due account.
Also-Known-As (name)
Describes an individual’s alias or other name he or she used at one period in time; AKA names are commonly contained in credit files of women who have married, to capture either their married or maiden name.
Amount Owed
Total monetary obligation displayed in a public record in your credit report if the record type is not bankruptcy.
An article of property owned by a person that can be used to settle debts. These are of special importance in bankruptcy cases.

The difference between debt and credit on a credit account.
Bank Card
A card issued through a bank that uses common credit card systems, such as MasterCard® or Visa® but is linked to a bank account rather than a line of credit.
A legal proceeding to give a person or business relief from certain debts. See also Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 12 Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
Birth date
The date when you were born. Note: We do not disclose the day of your date of birth on your credit report.
Business Version (of a credit report)
An abbreviated version of a consumer credit report that creditors see which does not contain promotional inquiries or account review inquiries, or information that creditors have requested be suppressed.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code that provides for court-administered liquidation of the assets of a financially troubled individual or business; also called Straight Bankruptcy.
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code that is usually used for the reorganization of a financially troubled business; commonly used as an alternative to Chapter 7 liquidation.
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code that provides bankruptcy protection to owners of farms.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code in which debtors repay debts according to a plan accepted by the debtor, the creditors, and the Court; also called Wage Earner Plan.
Charge Card
A credit card that requires full payment of the bill each month; no interest is charged. The traditional American Express Card and Diner’s Club Card are examples.
Security given as a pledge for the repayment of a loan such as a car financed in an auto loan.
Current Address
Your address where you reside now.
Court Location
The city and state of the court where the public record was obtained.
Court Type
The type of court where the public record was obtained, such as federal district, circuit court, U.S. bankruptcy court, parish court, justice of the peace or small claims.
Consumer Version (of a credit report)
The consumer version of a credit report lists all inquiries, including promotional and account review inquiries, and information that creditors have requested be suppressed. Only the consumer can request this version of their credit report. Creditors cannot see this version; they see only the business version of credit reports.
A consumer’s right to incur debt or purchase property or services and defer payment.
Credit Bureau
Any entity that regularly assembles or evaluates consumer credit information for the purpose of furnishing credit reports to third parties.
Credit Card
A card or other single credit device that may be used to obtain money, property or services on credit; for example, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
Credit Check
An inquiry to confirm a consumer's credit payment history.
Credit Fraud
Criminal use of deception or theft to obtain credit; one type of credit fraud is identity theft.
Credit History
Term that references a subset of data in a credit file that includes credit accounts, manner of payment (MOP), high credit, current balance, credit limit, and 24 months of MOP history.
Credit Limit
The maximum amount of credit that can be extended on a credit account.
Credit Report
The communication of information from a consumer’s credit file by a consumer reporting agency to a third party.
Credit Risk
The likelihood of a consumer meeting the terms of a credit agreement.
Credit Score
The result of a mathematical calculation that predicts a consumer's creditworthiness. The score is an assessment of how likely a consumer is to pay his or her debts.
Person or business to whom a debt is owed.
A characteristic indicating whether one is a good credit risk as a borrower.

Date (when an inquiry was made)
The date when an inquiry was posted to your credit report. Note: Only month and year of an inquiry date is posted for the promotional and account review inquiries.
Date Closed
The date when an account is no longer available for use by the consumer.
Date Last Updated
The date when specific data was processed in Credit Bureaus’ database.
Date Opened
The date when a credit account was established and available for use by the consumer.
Failure of a consumer to make loan or credit repayments as agreed in a loan or credit agreement. A loan or credit default may be identified by a high MOP rating. See manner of payment.
Method by which a consumer contacts the credit bureau to report an inaccuracy of information contained in his or her credit file. Credit Bureau is obligated to recheck the disputed information with the creditor or organization that reported it, record the current status, and correct any error.
Docket Number
The identification numbers used by courts to track cases. Contained in credit reports to identify specific court records.

Employer (name)
The name of the company that you work or worked for.
(Employment) End Date
The date (month and year) when you stopped working for a company.
(Date when a public record) Entered
The date when a public record was reported in your credit report.

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
The law established to assure fair and accurate reporting and to protect consumers’ privacy. Among other things, it defines the permissible purposes a business or individual must have when requesting a credit report, provides consumers with the right to obtain copies of their consumer disclosures and to dispute inaccurate information on their credit files. The FCRA defines information that may not be included in credit reports issued by consumer reporting agencies, and requires that reasonable procedures be used by consumer reporting agencies and data furnishers to ensure accuracy of credit files.
Intentional deception to cause a person to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.

Identifying Information
The information about you that a company provided to credit bureau when the company requested your credit report.
The distinguishing characteristics of a consumer, including unique information such as a Social Security number.
Identity Confirmation
The successful verification of a consumer's identity.
Indicates the receipt of a credit report in response to a request by a specific person or entity.
Inquiry Type
The type of inquiry such as individual, participating, authorized or spouse user.
Installment Loan account
A credit account in which the total debt is divided into amounts to be paid successively at specified intervals according to pre-agreed terms.
Installment Loan Account Number
A reference number that the creditor assigns to a specific installment loan account (for example: auto, student, furniture, jewelry).

Obligation, responsibilities, or debts. In your credit report, liabilities represent the monetary obligation in a bankruptcy public record.
A claim against some interest or property to ensure payment of some debt.
Line of Credit
Credit limit established by a creditor.

Manner of Payment (MOP)
A series of codes or statements used to show the payment status of a consumer for an account. For example, paid as agreed, 30 days past due, etc.
Maximum Delinquency Date
The date when the maximum delinquency (payment 90+ days late) occurred.
A document in which the owner of real property pledges his/her/its title to the property to a creditor as security for a loan.
Mortgage Account Number
An account number created by the creditor to identify the mortgage, usually found on either the monthly statement or coupon book issued with the loan.
Most Owed
Either the highest amount ever owed in the account or the original balance owed.

Word or phrase by which a person is known or identified.

Open Account
An account that is active, still in use, or is still being paid.

Paid as Agreed
A designation on the credit report that indicates the consumer is repaying the account according to the terms of the credit agreement.
Past Due
A payment or account that was not made on the due date and is now payable immediately or on demand.
Payment History
Snapshot of certain period of time (x months from date updated/paid/closed) that shows whether payments were never late, or how many times payments were 30 (60 or 90+) days late.
Payment Status
Status of account at a certain date, can include paid or paying as agreed, 30 (60, 90 or 120) days past due, charged off as bad debt, or payment after charge off/collection.
Payment Terms
For the credit industry, the number of payments, payment frequency, and payment amount on an account.
Permissible Purpose
The circumstances under which a credit report may be furnished by a consumer reporting agency in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
The party that institutes a suit in a court.
Plaintiff Attorney
A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings.
Position (with the employer)
Your job title in the company where you work or worked.
Previous Address
The address where you lived prior to where you currently reside.
Promotional Inquiry
A record of the delivery of limited credit report information by a consumer reporting agency for the purpose of making a firm offer of credit or insurance.
Public Records
Information that is available to the general public typically from government agencies or courts such as tax liens, court judgments, and bankruptcies.
Public Record Type
Describes the type of the public record, such as tax lien, foreclosure, child support, Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing or civil judgment.

Comments included in a credit report that indicate whether an account or public record is closed, transferred to another lender, placed for collection, disputed by consumer, or paid collection.
(Date when an employment record was) Reported
The date when an employment record was reported in your credit report.
Retail Card
A credit card that is issued by a retail store to be used for purchases from that store.
Revolving Charge Account
A credit account in which credit is available up to a predetermined limit so long as the terms of the account are being met.

See credit score.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
An Internet security standard that is used to establish a secure connection on the World Wide Web.
Social Security Number
A 9-digit number that is issued to an individual by the United States Social Security Administration.
(Employment) Start Date
The date (month and year) when you started to work for a company.
Subscriber Name
The name of the entity that has been authorized by TransUnion to access a consumer’s credit report.
The credit-related data of an item (e.g., a public record or an account) that is being concealed from being viewed by anyone else except you.

Term used to reference all information retained in a credit file regarding a specific loan account such as a bank loan, credit card, or mortgage.

(Date) You Have Been on our File Since
The date your credit report was created in TransUnion’s database.

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